Key moments along our life journey.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Summer Camp! Day 6

This week I was given a rare glimpse into the future. There was this amazing women named Rochelle at camp. She was the activities director. I love her. She is truely an amazing women. She reminds me of my little B. There looks and personality were a lot alike. Somtimes I have a hard time with the energentic silly girl. However I was very fond of the energentic silly women! She was very mature and yet funny all at once. I can only hope my B grows up to be a beautiful Godly women, while still able to mantain her God given goofiness!
B came up with the family to visit us. I was able to introduce them. They got along great. There is a real good picture of the 2 of them together. ( I hope I can get a copy of it!)
We spent the night on an air matteress on the dock! (Rochelles idea!) It was fun. Definitely not something I would have ever thought of!
We were able to go to a small town in Wi to watch the fire works. With Rochelle and another amazing girl Ally) We thought it would be a small short show. However it was one of the best showsI have ever seen. It was constant and never ending. It was a great night!

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