Key moments along our life journey.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Agent M is up to his old tricks

Agent M had an all night party at church this weekend. I told him before he went , he was not allowed to get hurt. When I picked him up, sure enough he got hurt again! First big toe, then right thumb followed by two teeth kocked out, now his left ring finger. Back to the hospital we go! Luckily it is only sprained. He only has to wear the splint for 1 week. At school when someone gets hurt they are now calling it a Agent M!


Kathy said...

Wow, Jenny. It's been really neat to get to know you a bit (again!) through your blog. You inspire me to be a better mom! I didn't know that you were also homeschooling for the first time this year. And what a year you have just come through with a fire, car accident in the family, broken bones... God is good through it all and I love seeing that in your life. Thanks for letting me take a peek! You look absolutely beautiful - and still have that pretty long hair. : ) Have a great day.

Along the Journey said...

Thanks cookie lady! It has been fun chatting with you. I love your blog.