KK had gymnastics on Halloween. She went to a friends house after for a sleep over. Agent M had Agent G sleep over. I said they were to old for trick/treating. Agent M agreed but Agent G still wanted to go. He even brought a costume! In the end the draw of video games was stronger then the urge for trick/treating. I told them to hand out the candy. We live in a quiet neighborhood and do not get to many kids. I was surprised to come home and see the big bowl of candy gone! Agent M said he gave each kid a big handful. I said you did not have to give them that much. He said I know but they all loved me!
BB and agent E went out with some friends for awhile and then we went to a church. We had a lot of fun. Agent E is not so sure about all the scary costumes, but who can blame him. All my kids have not liked evil things. Which I am thankful for there sensitive spirits. We got lots of candy and even saw a magic show. Agent E was happy to be with his best bud Agent H and BB loves his little brothers.
BB and agent E went out with some friends for awhile and then we went to a church. We had a lot of fun. Agent E is not so sure about all the scary costumes, but who can blame him. All my kids have not liked evil things. Which I am thankful for there sensitive spirits. We got lots of candy and even saw a magic show. Agent E was happy to be with his best bud Agent H and BB loves his little brothers.
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