Key moments along our life journey.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Agent M is up to his old tricks
Agent M had an all night party at church this weekend. I told him before he went , he was not allowed to get hurt. When I picked him up, sure enough he got hurt again! First big toe, then right thumb followed by two teeth kocked out, now his left ring finger. Back to the hospital we go! Luckily it is only sprained. He only has to wear the splint for 1 week. At school when someone gets hurt they are now calling it a Agent M!
I haven't been blogging for awhile. I have been obsessed with facebook. Some of the kids from our young adults group started a bible study group. So I had to join. Now I find myself spending huge chunks of time searching for friends! It is fun, but addictive for me. A friend told me it wears off pretty quickly, but is still a very convenient tool.
First Level 7 meet

KK had gymnastics on Halloween. She went to a friends house after for a sleep over. Agent M had Agent G sleep over. I said they were to old for trick/treating. Agent M agreed but Agent G still wanted to go. He even brought a costume! In the end the draw of video games was stronger then the urge for trick/treating. I told them to hand out the candy. We live in a quiet neighborhood and do not get to many kids. I was surprised to come home and see the big bowl of candy gone! Agent M said he gave each kid a big handful. I said you did not have to give them that much. He said I know but they all loved me!
BB and agent E went out with some friends for awhile and then we went to a church. We had a lot of fun. Agent E is not so sure about all the scary costumes, but who can blame him. All my kids have not liked evil things. Which I am thankful for there sensitive spirits. We got lots of candy and even saw a magic show. Agent E was happy to be with his best bud Agent H and BB loves his little brothers.
BB and agent E went out with some friends for awhile and then we went to a church. We had a lot of fun. Agent E is not so sure about all the scary costumes, but who can blame him. All my kids have not liked evil things. Which I am thankful for there sensitive spirits. We got lots of candy and even saw a magic show. Agent E was happy to be with his best bud Agent H and BB loves his little brothers.
Scary Dance
Monday, November 3, 2008
A baby tooth!
First agent M broke his thumb, followed by his big toe. Now he got hit in the mouth with a football and knocked his tooth loose. It just wouldn't tighten up. So I took him to the dentist. The good news is it was a baby tooth. The bad news is it took me $75 to find that out. Now today he lost another one that must have loosened up from the hit. I am hoping that was also a baby tooth.
BB is on a role
BB just got a part in a play at church. She plays a stupid kid! She is not stupid just struggling in school. I will let you know when the performance will be. Also last night we got a phone call from the corn maze (girls day out) they drew her name as the winner of a gift basket, out of all the people who visited the farm! We had a good day today. We picked up her present, then went to auditions, followed by play practice at church. It was all about BB today!
A star is born!
BB tried out for Beauty and the beast. She will play the part of the maid. She will be opening Friday night 8pm at CIS. Followed by her closing performance at 10am on Sat. Come one come all! It should be a lot of fun.
Agent E
Agent E has been telling me I should have done this a long time ago and he gives me a sweet kiss. I don't know where he picked that up but I love it!
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