We took our first field trip with agent E's friend agent h. We went to the apple orchard. First we got lost in road construction. That did not bother us because super mom brought snacks and toys for the boys and we always enjoy long talks. Two hours felt like 15 minutes.( Agent H's mom is the super hero!) Now it was time for LE to nurse. So super mom fed baby while I took the boys on a walk to find a real cool park. We smashed crab apples on the sidewalk, rolled and ran down a real cool hill, and finally found a real fun park. Once we went back to the van, everyone was ready for lunch. We found a subway, and called the orchard for directions! Before we even arrive to the orchard we have already had a fun adventure!
Now we find the orchard easily. We open the van door and what do we hear? Thunder! By the way it is getting so late by now I need to be home t get my other kids from school! So we quickly look at all the chickens, goats ( the cutest chicks in MN) By the way we were actually able to see a goat 10 minutes after it was born! We head to pick some apples. As the thunder booms and rain drops start we take a few pics and start heading for the store. The rain let up for a minute so we checked out the pumpkins. We let them each pick a gourd and of course my son picks the one that looks most like a gun! Even though we were not at the orchard very long a fun day was had by all!
Now we find the orchard easily. We open the van door and what do we hear? Thunder! By the way it is getting so late by now I need to be home t get my other kids from school! So we quickly look at all the chickens, goats ( the cutest chicks in MN) By the way we were actually able to see a goat 10 minutes after it was born! We head to pick some apples. As the thunder booms and rain drops start we take a few pics and start heading for the store. The rain let up for a minute so we checked out the pumpkins. We let them each pick a gourd and of course my son picks the one that looks most like a gun! Even though we were not at the orchard very long a fun day was had by all!
Thanks for being such good sports about the hour long detour! The trip will make for a good memory and good conversation if not a whole lot else. . .
Hey if I'm supermom, where's my butler?! Oh wait, that's batman. Can I be batmom? :)
If you want to!????
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