Some of you know we had a fire at our house this year. All the little things you keep thru the years that you can't replace our gone! Well since then we have been working hard to make this place liveable again. All the things that did not have a home or I did not know what to do with ended up in the storage room! Every time I go in there it was driving me crazy! Finally yesterday I tackled it. While I was sorting through my kids drawers (where they put all there keepsakes) I found: The tape agent A made me for our wedding, my tassels from my graduation, Agent As diploma and the corsage he gave me when we went to prom, and other misc treasures. I felt it was a direct gift from God. How could they end up in there? God cares about the little things. Thank you Lord for the gifts you gave me today! Help me to notice what you do for me each day.
Oh, I also have a clean and organized storage room. Which is a gift in and of itself!