Key moments along our life journey.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Girls day out

Today the 3 girls, went out with the neighbor 3 girls. First went to a corn maze. It was a lot of fun. We let the 2 older girls go on there own and the 2 mom and 2 younger girls went together. We were racing to see who could get done first. The moms group won! The girls were real smart though. They put an x in the dirt on all the paths they went down. I never would have thought of that!

They played in a corn pit, played in hay pit,road pedal go carts around a track, jumped in a big inflatable pumpkin and launched potatoes. A whole day of fun for only $7 each.

For supper we went to Sonic. It was fun I have never been to one. It has an old fashioned drive up and waiters bring you your food on roller blades! The food was real good and reasonably priced. FYI- If you are driving a one ton truck with big everything you might not fit! The poor lady next to us smashed her mirror and scratched the whole side of her truck! It was sad.) I recommend the smoothies!

Finally we went shopping and each of the girls got a new webkins. I got a real good deal on them so I had to pick one up for agent E. He likes to play with his sisters. He got a snake and he named him GRR. He was so excited! ( If you don.t know what that is, It is a stuffed animal you can play with online in a virtual world!)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Rainy Day

We have a rain coat that has been through a lot of love and use. First it was my brothers. Then agent M, followed by KK, next BB and finally agent E. It is starting to wear out. It is fun that it has lasted this long. I remember seeing my little brother wear it, and now each of my children.

Field trip

We took our first field trip with agent E's friend agent h. We went to the apple orchard. First we got lost in road construction. That did not bother us because super mom brought snacks and toys for the boys and we always enjoy long talks. Two hours felt like 15 minutes.( Agent H's mom is the super hero!) Now it was time for LE to nurse. So super mom fed baby while I took the boys on a walk to find a real cool park. We smashed crab apples on the sidewalk, rolled and ran down a real cool hill, and finally found a real fun park. Once we went back to the van, everyone was ready for lunch. We found a subway, and called the orchard for directions! Before we even arrive to the orchard we have already had a fun adventure!
Now we find the orchard easily. We open the van door and what do we hear? Thunder! By the way it is getting so late by now I need to be home t get my other kids from school! So we quickly look at all the chickens, goats ( the cutest chicks in MN) By the way we were actually able to see a goat 10 minutes after it was born! We head to pick some apples. As the thunder booms and rain drops start we take a few pics and start heading for the store. The rain let up for a minute so we checked out the pumpkins. We let them each pick a gourd and of course my son picks the one that looks most like a gun! Even though we were not at the orchard very long a fun day was had by all!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

How old were you?

Do you remember how old you were when you started to care how you look? When my kids are little I dress them up cute, make sure they brush there hair and teeth! Then there comes a time when they want to pick out there own clothes and take care of themselves. I bite the bullet and let them wear orange knee high socks with red shorts a purple sweatshirt and sandals!!!!!!!! I try to remind them to brush there hair and teeth but leave it up to them. So they usually don't match, brush there teeth once in awhile and hair occasionally. Unless we are going somewhere important. I try not to say to much. (pick my battles) Then one day out of the blue you notice, clothes matching, hair brushed, and deodorant, without saying a word! That was the last 2 days for BB. On Monday I notice she brushed her hair and had on a cute outfit! I was impressed. (She gets up at 7:17, and we leave the house at 7:20) Then Tuesday night at bed time she brushed her hair and teeth and put on some makeup. ( I told her we don't usually where makeup to bed. She said that is ok I don't sleep on my face!) So I realized, she is growing up. That made me think of KK. Who was also 4th grade when I started to notice the same things.
For M that was 6th grade. Right after Christmas he was asking for certain brands, wearing deodorant and brushing his hair! Then I realized, if I could just get a girl to tell him to brush his teeth we would be doing great!
I remember the exact moment I started caring about what I wear. It was at the end of 3rd grade. I was sitting on the floor at school, listening to the teacher. When Missy said to me, Why are you wearing those ugly boy socks? I looked down and thought why am I wearing these ugly boy socks? I never thought about it until then. I never cared about until then. From then on I started to think about what I was wearing.
So now I realize it is girls who get boys to start caring about how they look. It is also girls who get girls to care about how they look. There could be exceptions but not to many 4th or 5th grade boys are going to say something to a girl about how they dress! That doesn't come until later, but that is a whole different topic!

Monday, September 22, 2008

History in the making

We took the kids to go meet John McCain and Sarah Palin. It was a good experience. Now the kids can say they saw the President!( Ok wishful thinking) They were a little disappointed, because they expected to actually meet them. However 15,000 other people were thinking the same thing. They were still happy because we took them out of school. The big ones will probably always remember this day.

Afterwards we took them over the new 35w bridge. We will take awards for super parents now! Wait I think we might have been disqualified, from all the fighting in the car. Oh wait did I say that out loud? We are the perfect happy family, just a little rough around the edges. Just so you don't think we are stick in the muds. We also went go-cart racing and mini-golfing for fun. (Agent A pulled off the win by one point!)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Injuries, Injuries and more Injuries!

First KK hyper extended her knee. She was out of gymnastics for 2 weeks! She could not finish her state champion BMX racing series. She had 2 second place finishes so far!
Second Agent M broke his right hand at BMX. Just in time for school starting. (He actually is writing pretty good left handed) He waits all year for football to start. He was so disappointed to get injured right before the season started. He is hoping to get the cast off in time to play in a few games.
Finally, just after KK was getting comfortable doing her routines again. She was doing a back lay out and landed on her neck. Her body was folded in half with her feet over head. Thank God she did not injure her neck! However she has a severe sprain of her sternum. The doctor has only seen such an injury one other time! She will be out for 3 weeks!
I feel like I have been living at the doctors! This would be a warning sign to most people. Even though I start to question what in the world are we allowing our kids to do? I still think we have to let them follow there dreams! They can get hurt falling on a laundry basket at home! Oh wait that was BB! See I knew it!

Back To School!

I know what your thinking! This is not about the kids, this is about me! After 15 years I am back in the class room! I can't believe it. Don't worry we only have to learn a 610 page book in 2 weeks!
"Agent" A and I are going to school to get our Real Estate License. Our background in new construction is a big help. All of our current life struggles are also a help! It is still a lot to learn. The more I learn the more I realize, how much I don't know!
We now have the first part done!!!!!!!!!! Now we have the hard part passing the test. Once we pass the test (positive thinking) we have 60 more hours of school. Then I can sell all of your houses for you.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

You Go Girl!

I am so proud of Sarah Palin. I never thought it would be possible to actual have a real person elected in this country. I thought only rich people could do that. It excites me that someone not even seeking this position, has this opportunity. It actually gives me hope in this country again. The American Dream has been so out of reach, for so long. This is the American dream! This gives credibility to all the parents who say you can be anything you want: even president! I never thought that was true.
Not only that but she is a woman! She is a mother! She is a Christian! and a whole lot more. I know this sounds dumb but I felt like it could be me! ( OK me on Steroids!) She is truly an amazing woman. I think like Ester : God has brought her here for such a time as this. She speaks her mind and I think she just might be able to accomplish something!
They have been trying to tare her apart, and I am sick of it! However she doesn't let it affect her. She just gives it right back. That is a strong woman. I could not handle people attacking my family. They should be ashamed of themselves.
God bless and take care of Sarah Palin and her family.

Where were you?

People always remember where they were when somthing tragic happens. I have always heard people say I was doing this during JFK or similar events. I was never old enough to remember them. This time I can say I know where I was during 911. I was on my way to take MAK to kindergarten. I remember telling his car pool about it. Back then I did not even know what the wtc was! ( I can't believe MAC is already in 7th grade! Where did my little boy go?) When I got home I told Alan to turn on the TV. (I don't think I had a cell phone back then) I watched for a little while but then I had to take KK to preschool. ( Long gone our the preschool days of KK! My little girl has entered Middle School this year!) My friend Anne came home with me to watch it on TV. When we got home AK was crying because both of the towers had just come down! We were all in shock!!! We knew our country was under attack and we were debating if we should go pull our kids out of school! We decided they were pretty safe. Then we started trying to get a hold of big KK. AKs brother lived in New York, not to far away from there. After several hours we found out he was safe! Please feel free to share your own thoughts our memories of 911. We need to remember our history. MAK remebers 911, but all the others were to young. Hug your loved ones today. Pray for our armed forces. God Bless America!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Its a hard knock life!

Last night BK tried out for Annie! I was so proud of her. She went up on the stage in front of an audience and with someone playing the piano sang Maybe. She did such a good job. I was so proud of her. She sang on tune, with the music and pretty loud.( she will get better at that with more experience) I know we will be doing this more often. She was in her element. She was beautiful. Unfortunately 200 other girls were also trying to be Annie! She did not make it this time, but the sun will come out tomorrow!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Princess Party!

My neighbor had the coolest party. It was a princess party. My kids were not invited. However it ended up being the day of the funeral. So they invited the kids to come over. (so thoughtful) All the little girls were dressed up. So agent E put on his ninja costume and said he was the dragon. Bk put on a cute dress and was the Queen. KK just helped out.
They made a castle out of boxes and I just have to share some of the pictures,


Well I did it. I completed one whole week of homeschooling. Guess what we survived and even had some fun! He even learned a few things. It is very rewarding to see progress in only a week. I can see Gods hand guiding me. I am getting to know agent E in a new way. I am glad we have this time together. He is growing up so fast.

How can you do it all?

How do you do everything? I have a million things I need to be doing. I have a million things I want to be doing. Most are good things that need to be done. Everyone needs something from me! So why do I just want to lay on the coach and do nothing????????????